Monday, January 28, 2008

How To Make Money From Your Duct Tape Art

People love duct tape products. They can not get enough of them! Now that we are duct tape artists, why shouldn't we take advantage of this momentous demand? I sure can't think of a reason. You can turn your projects into cash for yourself and more duct tape for more projects!
Did you notice something in the previous sentence? By selling your duct tape projects, you will get money to refill your supply of duct tape and you will end up with extra, personal money.

In a sense, you will be creating a loop which gives more money than it takes. After a short period of time, the loop will significantly grow, giving more demand, more duct tape, and more profit!

So, I formulated a few easy steps to implement to start turning the projects we don't need into money.

  1. Advertise! Make a few small products and give them to people you trust. Tell them, "Here, take this for free, but tell people about what I am doing."
  2. Use your own products. (Use the duct tape folder at school or work) Others will surely see your art and ask about it. Self advertising if you will.
  3. Calculate your material expenses. I use this formula to calculate how much money, in the form of duct tape, I spent in a project. [~~Cost of duct tape (including tax)~~ divided ~~by the length of tape~~ times ~~the total length of tape used.~~ ]
  4. Then add what you think you should earn from that particular project.
  5. Then repeat and in no time you will have a duct tape business!

Keep in mind, always do your best work because potential customers will see your work after you sell your art.

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